Wandering the Mojave Rock Climbing, and Hiking Trips
Looking for a place to stay on your next Joshua Tree climbing adventure? At Thunderbird Lodge Retreat our cabins play nicely with each other. All seven lie in close proximity to each other. This arrangement makes it easy to book a climbing, bouldering or hiking trip and, while here, to communicate easily with all involved.
Climbers and hikers are within walking distance of the Covington Flats entrance of Joshua Tree National Park and are only a short distance by car from the northern entrance. Guests also enjoy acres of private, pristine Joshua Tree forests on and adjacent to Thunderbird Lodge Retreat cabins to hike and enjoy nature in one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Taken behind Joshua's Perch near the
Thunderbird Lodge Retreat Shell House.
Joshua Tree climbing groups that frequent The Thunderbird Lodge Retreat appreciate the sense of seclusion of this location, closeness to the park, and the ability to make communal dinners after a long day of climbing or hiking.
If you're traveling with a group larger than what our interior spaces can accommodate, we invite you to consider camping on our grounds. All together, there are over 50 acres between our houses, which amounts to plenty of space for tents, gear, and supplies. Dogs are also welcome: we have fenced yards and plenty of room for them to sleep and play.
Please contact Lori for assistance in organizing your group hiking vacation, email: [email protected].
Photos above: Hiking in the hills next to the Shell House which feature bouldering.
Taken in March 2017 at the beginning of the wildfower display.
For Reservations & Inquiries, Please Contact Lori Portillo, Owner:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 760-408-0768
Check Availability Online!

Lori Portillo (Owner)